

  • 抑鬱症 Depression
  • 焦慮症 Anxiety Disorders
  • 經常焦慮症 Generalized Anxiety Disorder
  • 驚恐症 Panic Disorder
  • 社交焦慮症 Social Phobia
  • 強迫症 Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
  • 創傷後壓力症 Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • 廣場恐懼症 Agoraphobia
  • 幽閉恐懼症 Claustrophobia
  • 產前或產後的情緒病 (如產後抑鬱症) Perinatal Emotional Problems (e.g. Postnatal Depression)
  • 喪親情緒支援及輔導 Grief and Bereavement


  • 專注力不足 / 過度活躍症 Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  • 自閉症譜系障礙 Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • 兒童及青少年情緒問題 (抑鬱、焦慮等) Mood disorders in children and adolescents (e.g. depression, anxiety etc.)


  • 認知障礙症 (腦退化症/老人痴呆症)及有關的心理或行為問題 Dementia with or without Psychological and Behavioural Symptoms
  • 長者情緒問題 (抑鬱、焦慮等) Mood disorders in older adults (e.g. depression, anxiety etc.)
  • 長者適應障礙 (退休、喪偶、「空巢症候群」等) Adjustment disorders in old age (e.g. retirement, grief & bereavement, “empty-nest syndrome”)
  • 照顧者壓力支援 Caregiver stress
  • 精神行為能力評估 (監護令、遺囑、財產管理) Mental Capacity Assessment (Guardianship Order, testamentary capacity, management of properties and finance)


  • 失眠或其他睡眠問題 Insomnia or other Sleep disorders
  • 進食失調 (例如厭食症、暴食症) Eating Disorders (e.g. Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa)
  • 上癮 / 沉溺行為 (包括性、賭博或上網等) Addictive Behaviors (e.g. sex, gambling, internet)
  • 成人專注力不足 Attention Deficit in adults


  • 思覺失調 (包括精神分裂症) Psychosis (e.g. Schizophrenia)
  • 躁狂抑鬱症 (躁鬱症/兩極情緒病) Bipolar Affective Disorder
  • 產後精神病 Puerperal (Postpartum) Psychosis


  • 智障及有關的心理/行為問題 Intellectual Disability and related psychological and behavioral problems
  • 因身體疾病或腦創傷造成的精神或行為問題 Psychological and behavioral problems related to physical illnesses
  • 藥物或酒精引起的精神情緒問題 Drug or Alcohol-Related Mental Problem
  • 性格障礙 Personality Disorders
  • 精神評估及報告 Mental assessment and reports